Gandrung Sewu Festival Banyuwangi
Banyuwangi, one of the emerging regencies in East Java, held the Gandrung Sewu festival. More than thousand dancers liven up the festival that is held at Banyuwangi Boom Beach, October 8, 2017.
Gandrung is a traditional dance from Indonesia. Gandrung has many variations and is popular in Bali, Lombok and East Java, among the Balinese, Sasak and Javanese (especially Osing Javanese). The most popular variation is Gandrung from Banyuwangi region in the eastern peninsula of Java, so much that the city is often referred as ‘Kota Gandrung’ or the City of Gandrung.
Gandrung Dance is a form of gratitude from people after harvest. Gandrung, which means awe or extraordinary admiration, is used as the name of a dance to symbolize the admiration of Blambangan residents for Dewi Sri, known as Dewi Padi. This philosophy of respect for ‘Dewi Sri’ is what encourages residents to maintain and preserve Gandrung dance.